Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Quote of the Day

Saw this quote in a book today and it REALLY make a lot of sense and kinda got me thinking. Can you only ever blame yourself for the things that happen in your life?

"Actions have consequences...First rule of life. And the second rule is this - You are the only person responsible for your actions."

Could you have made things so much different in your life, had you thought that the outcome is purely going to be down to your actions and your actions one else has an influence on the consequences. Just you. Yes you. Yes I am pointing to YOU looking at the screen!

It also spurs me to be more decisive in my life choices. No point in saying "I don't know". you need to make a descision, based on..consequences.

But hey just thought I'd check in and give you a motivational quote to start the day off!

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