Wednesday, 18 February 2009

The RETURN of the Routemaster!!!

I was reading my best friend's blog Make A Bus earlier, and he mentioned that the Routemaster, one thing that represented London so well, is to make a return by 2011. And so it should I say! I refer you back to an old blog of mine, about my nightmare on the BENDY BUS, or as Ka-os calls it, the free bus.

As convenient as these buses were for the wheelchair users,as well as mothers with space ships for pushchairs, oh and how can we forget the fair jumping scum of society, it was actually the most annoying bus for the majority of the public - NON BUS USERS INCLUDED! You can't cross the road because the bus decides to rest it's 18 meter long self across the pedestrian crossing. It causes one hell of a traffic jam, because it crosses a whole damn junction Not only is this bus a nuisance, it is also one dangerous vehicle, let me tell you.

According to a report by TfL to the London Assembly, bendy buses cause 5.6 pedestrian injuries per million miles operated (and lets face it, a bus probably operates a damn load of miles), compared with just 2.6 for all other buses. They're involved in more "collisions" with cyclists than other buses and have more accidents generally than bigger buses.

This bendy bus is probably one thing making the least amount of revenue for the city, due to it's inconvenience and danger to London.

So moan over about the bendy bus and HOORAY for the Routemaster and well done Boris (although we all know you're trying to steal some political points here). The routemaster is so good in many ways. It takes up less damn space for one! And it also gives me a laugh when the stupid school kids think they look uber cool (I love the word uber right now!) jumping off the bus before it hits the bus stop, and they end up falling on their face.

Now who's the idiot you mongrel - go home and do whatever it is you kids do these days!.

It's harsh, I know, but something has to keep my day going!


KAOS said...

You sour puss!! I'd rather see suits and yobs fall off Routmasters, not poor, innocent school kids!

On the subject of bendy buses, the one thing I really hate about them is how you have to face people in lots of the seats. GRRRRRRRRRRRR...

Metroboi said...

Sour puss? I don't think so some how! School kids are never as innocent. Although I do see what you mean!